Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Baby Steps

This time of year there are all kinds of resolutions that are being made. I am not really one for resolutions. It seems that they don't really last for more than a month or two. But at the end of last year I did make some new goals that I am attempting to achieve. I like the word goals much better. I want to be successful in my goals and one way to help do so is to write them down. So here they are!

The goals i'm striving for involve lifestyle changes related to my health. I'm not going on a specific diet or trying to really loose weight. I'm just trying to be in better shape and keep my body healthy. I've got to be able to keep up with my little boy! I am going to start out small and slowly increase things as they become habits and become a regular daily thing. 

The Changes:
1. Reduce the amount of fast food I eat each week.
2. Drink 4 glasses of water a day.
3. Do a cardio workout at least 3 times a week.
4. Take a daily multi vitamin.
5. Reduce the amount of soda I drink.
6. Limit the amount of junk food in the house.
7. Increase the amount of fruits and veggies in my diet.

These things are nothing too big at this time. I have no plans to run a marathon in the near future. I just want to do a little better each day and one little step at a time. I have been doing well thus far. There is very little junk food in the house and we no longer have a huge stash of pop that takes up half the fridge. We have been playing floor hockey once a week for several hours. We have also been cooking meals at home much more frequently. I constantly have a glass of water nearby and drink from it constantly. I have a ways to go to reach these goals but I feel that I've got a good start.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

One Year Later

It is amazing how time flies! And it seems almost impossible that I have a one year old. We took Jase to the doctor on Monday for his one year well visit. Boy has he grown! My tiny little NICU baby is no longer little. When he was born he weighed a whopping 5 lbs. 8 oz. and measured 19.5 inches long. He couldn't even fit into newborn sized clothes and spent quite awhile in preemie sized diapers. It's true he was born a few weeks early therefore contributing to his size but you wouldn't know that by looking at him today. Jase currently weighs 21 lbs. 9.5 oz and is 30 inches long. He has just started wearing 18 month sized clothes and is graduating to size 5 diapers. I never thought he would be so big after starting out so small!

Jase has developed quite a personality as well. He loves to play with the dogs and his toys. He is crawling and furniture walking all over the place and is so close to taking a few steps on his own. Jase is a good helper when it comes to laundry and the dishes. He's very good at pulling all the silverware out of the dishwasher and removing clothes from the dryer. He loves to look at guns with Daddy when we are out shopping and greatly enjoys going for rides in the truck. We sure do love this little boy and are glad he is part of our family.

Friday, January 9, 2015

Goodbye 2014!

And hello 2015! The past year has just flown by at a ridiculous pace and one of the biggest things I lacked doing is updating our blog. Therefore with it being a new year and all I figure it's a good time to start making more regular updates for our family and friends near and far.

2014 was a big year for us. We welcomed Jase into our family at the end of 2013 and have taken the past year learning how to be parents. I have a feeling that this learning will never stop. Everyday he seems to learn more and more which is constantly keeping me on my toes. Having this little boy in our life is probably the best and most fun thing to ever happen other than marrying my handsome husband.

Jase Dec. 26, 2013
Jase on Dec. 26, 2014

Dave had a really busy summer with work. It seemed to always be one thing after another. Hopefully things won't get too crazy anytime soon so he can focus on the next steps in his career. Dave is a great Father to Jase. He has a good time playing with him and enjoys spoiling him way too often. Jase always lights up as soon as Daddy gets home from work even when it's 3 o'clock in the morning.

Christmas Morning

I had to put a hold on finishing school due to lots of pregnancy complications but being a stay at home Mom has become my new career and education. I am very blessed to be able to stay at home with Jase and I wouldn't trade it for a thing. Someday I will finish school. I feel education is important but there are other more precious things to be doing at this time.

We had a great holiday season spending the time as a family and having the opportunity to have other family members over from time to time. We ended the year by celebrating Jason's first birthday. He has turned into quite a toddler, I realized as I was sitting in church a few weeks ago, while Jase was wildly throwing his toys about the pew, that I don't have a little baby anymore. I am not so sure I'm ready for this little independent dude but I am looking forward to the next phase of the adventure.